
10 Aug 2012

"SYF&HWS" - Cook with Spices "Cinnamon"

Hello Friends,

Here I am again hosting another guest event. This time it is "SYF&HWS - Cook With SPICES" Series and this months theme is "Cinnamon". 

This series was originally concieved by Anu from Anu's Healthy Kitchen. I am sure most of you are familiar with her wonderful blog and very unique recipes. If you haven't visited her blog , do visit it now..

Now let's talk about this wonderful spice, Cinnamon... 

This spice is obtained from the inner bark of several trees belonging to the Genus "Cinnamomum" and is a native of Sri Lanka. In Tamil it is known as"Pattai", in Hindi "Dalchini" and in "Karuvapatta" in Malayalam.

History takes its origin back to 2000BC and it was very highly priced that it was considered as gift to God. 

The outer bark is scraped off, the inner bark is loosened and pulled in strips to a meter long. This should be processed when it is still wet and rolled into "Quills".

This spice has a very delicate flavour and aroma and used in different forms - powder, strips, oil and also used as medicine in Ayurveda. It is used in baking, smoothies, condiments, authentic Indian cuisine to Middle Eastern dishes all with the same zeal.

Here are the rules for the event:

1.Bloggers and non-bloggers are welcome to send in as many recipes as possible. Archived ones need to be reposted and linked to this page and to Anu's event announcement page.
2.Use of LOGO is mandatory which will help spread the word.
3.Non-bloggers can send in your recipes to
4.This event is from 10th of August to 5th of September 2012.
5.Send in your recipes to in the following format :
     a.Recipe name:
     b.Recipe link:
     c.Blog name and Url:
     d.Recipe pic:

So, friends start sending in your recipes and make this event a success..


Scribbled by Reva


  1. happy dear...inviting you to join in Fast food- Noodles event

  2. Nice event..Happy hosting Reva..

  3. Count me in.. have something right on time..

  4. Interesting Event.Happy Hosting!

  5. Thnks for posting this event....happy hosting dear....will soon announce it at my space too.

  6. NICE event Reva try to join..Happy hosting...

  7. All the best for your event!

  8. You are such a busy lady, Reva so active on your blog, organizing events etc - hats off :) I am not big on cinnamon and I am becoming increasingly worse at keeping up with wonderful events and even if I have every good intention, the immediacy of life just fades all my intentions into the background! But having written this thesis here, I hope to remember and send an entry :) Cheers, Priya

  9. I love cinnamon! can't wait to see the recipes!

  10. Nice event !

  11. Lovely event!! will sure participate..

  12. Nice event... I have reposted my blog with the links and sent the mail as well.. Let me know if anything else is to be done..


  13. I have send you email...
    Rashida Shaikh


For your precious words....