
28 May 2012

Guava Ice Cream

Temperatures are soaring and air is very warm indeed ... somehow I don't seem to enjoy summers here. But that is not the case for all my family around me.

They seem to jump in joy, run around with kites, swim in cool waters and eat loads and loads of ice creams. Tubs of cold treats are the only things to keep them happy.

I am quite lazy to whip up custard from scratch or go for exotic flavours. Fruity flavours are quite different from chocolate /toffee /caramel ones and they taste yummy. I love guavas as they have a very unique flavour.

We used to chop up unripe guavas, mix them with chilli powder and salt and enjoyed during the summer afternoons. The ripe ones have a sweet aroma and a wonderful soft almost gooey centre dotted with seeds.

Most of the Indian homes have a guava tree, so the yield can be made use in this delicious way. Did you know that the guava leaves have medicinal properties and are used as antiseptic and anti-diarrheal purposes.
This icecream is inspired from an authentic Caribbean recipe but adapted to my taste. It has the most wonderful aroma and the depth of flavour is intense...

For the Icecream:
Ripe guavas: 8 nos [small].
Whole milk: 100 mls + 3 tbsp extra.
Whole cardamom: 3.
Cloves: 2.
Cinnamon: one 1 inch piece.
Ginger powder: 1 tsp [optional]
Chilli powder: 1 tsp [optional]
Light muscavado sugar: 200 gms.
Corn flour: 1 and 1/2 tbsp.
Water : around 100 mls.

1.In a deep heavy bottomed vessel simmer the milk  and the aroma spices for 12-15 minutes.
2.Remove from heat. Cool completely and let the spices infuse with the milk overnight or atleast for 6 hours.
3.Strain the milk and reserve until further use in the refrigerator.
4.Wash and cut the top and the bottom bits of the guavas. Chop them finely and grind to a paste.
5.Transfer the paste to a container and add the 1/2 cup of water.
6.Rub the paste through a metal strainer with a spoon to extract the soft smooth pulp.

 7.The resulting pulp should be around 450-500 mls.
8. Mix the corn flour with 3 tbsp of milk. Place another pan on slim flame.
9.Add half the pulp, ginger powder, chilli powder and sugar. Whisk until all the sugar is melted and everything is evenly mixed.
10. After 4-5 minutes when the mixture comes together add the corn flour mix and whisk together.
11.Once thick remove from heat and cool.
12.Add the spiced chilled milk to the cooled pulp and mix well.
13. Transfer to a freezable bowl and freeze for 2 hours. Remove from freezer and whisk to break down the ice crystals.
14.Repeat a couple of time and freeze until firm.

Enjoy scoops of icecream garnished with crystallised ginger pieces and cloves.

Notes: There is no need to peel the skin of the guavas as ripe ones have very thin skin and peeling them you would lose essential vitamins. Leaving the skin doesn't impart any bitter flavour to the icecream.

The amount of sugar I have used imparts a mild sweetness to the icecream. You can add 50 gms mor if you prefer a sweeter treat. You can also use regular caster sugar in place of muscavado sugar.

The chilli powder and ginger powder are purely optional but it provides a wonderful depth to the icecream.


Scribbled by Reva


  1. This is an amazing ice cream recipe with spices..must be tasting awesome..

  2. That is something I've never come across any where.. looks delicious!!

  3. guava icecream sounds very delicious n flavorful...haven't tasted this fruit ice cream...beautiful pics as always!

    Spicy Treats

  4. This is a cool recipe. I wonder why I never thought of guava's in ice cream when I like the fruit a lot.

  5. Looks yum and a nice twist with guava

  6. wow!an amazingly flavourful ice cream....wholesome and awesome!

  7. Wow... Never heard of this... So delicious....

  8. Perfect treat for this hot summer..Reva

  9. love the pictures!!!!

  10. delicious ice-cream with a hint of spice ;) link it to my ongoing event at

  11. Never tried making or tasting a guava ice cream. This looks interesting indeed. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Exotic and very impressive icecream.

  13. My daughter likes anything to do with guava. She would love this.

  14. The ice cream looks fantastic Reva. Loved the guava flavor and cinnamon. I can only imagine how it would have tasted. Great clicks as well :)

  15. Wow love the idea of Guava ice cream. In this hot hot climate I wish someone would make this for me now..Looks so delicious....

  16. Lovely version of guava ice cream, beautiful.... clicks.

  17. Hi Reva Madhan ,

    Very new ice cream !!!

    I'm sure , it's a visual treat and

    also it'll sounds well.

    Keep it up Reva....

  18. Very innovative n delicious looking ice cream.

  19. Perfect treat on a sunny day!

  20. Hey reva, thanks for dropping in PACHANTI and leaving your wonderful comments, you have a lovely blog with great recipes, happy to follow u.

  21. Perfect treat to quench the summer heat. Love the flavor of guava. Yum!

  22. I still remember the guava trees in my neighbourhood but not anymore where I am now. This is so unique and out of this world recipe. Looks so good and yes, splendid for our scoring hot weather.

  23. Wow, its almost like a spicy apple pie or a spicy carrot cake flavor and I loved the Guava version :-) Super!

    Do stop by my space when time permits...would be glad to make blog buddies with you !!!


  24. yummy icecream...
    thanks for ur lovely comment in my space...happy to follow u...
    Shabbu's Tasty Kitchen

  25. never heard of guava ice cream.. its really wonderful.. glad to follow u back dear.. thanks for leaving lovely comments on my space..

  26. Fantastic clicks! Would love to try a guava icecream...sounds so yummy!

  27. Ice cream looks just awesome. I wanted to make this but I am not able to get guava in USA where I live. this is just mouthwatering

  28. Guava icecream...very interesting .... you are really tempting me now !!
    yumm !!



  29. ice cream looks awesome.. very good presentation..thanks for visiting my blog and ur lovable comments:)


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