
1 Jul 2011

Veggie/Fruit of the Month : Carrots

Hello friends,

         Finally "Veggie/Fruit of the Month" has come to Kaarasaaram. I am sure most of you are very familiar with this event which is the brain child of Priya of Mharo Rajasthan Recipes . Hats off to Priya for coming up with such a simple yet wonderful idea for an event.  Thank you Priya, for letting me host your event as it gives me great pleasure and of course it is a very good learning experience for me to know new innovative recipes from fellow bloggers.
         Coming to think of it, the UK health system recommends 5 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday to have a fit and healthy body and mind.

         There is no need for any extensive studies or research to tell us how these natural nutrient power stations are good for us. For the very fact that it comes from nature and most of the veggie/fruits can be eaten raw are evidence enough to prove their goodness.

        The theme for this month is "CARROTS" . No introduction is needed for this wonder veggie. It is one of the most versatile of veggies around - you can bake a cake /muffins or make a rice variety or make a delicious halwa or whip up a creamy kheer or even better juice it to reap the full benefits of this wonder veggie.

Just a few words about carrots:

*The name is Indo European/Latin/Grrek origin because of its horn shape. It is a root vegetable , usually orange in colour but purple/yellow/red/white varieties also exists. The edible part is the root, seeds and leaves.

*The wild ancestors of carrots originated in Iran/Afganistan and then spread to all parts of the world. Carrot varieties are broadly divided into "Western and Eastern Carrots". The western carrots emerged from Netherlands in the 17th century. The City of Holtville, California promotes itself as "Carrot Capital of the World".

*Chantenay/Danvers/ Imperator/Nantes are few of the varieties of carrots depending on the shape and size.

Info and pic Courtesy: Wiki

Nutritional Value: 100 gms of carrots = 48 calories
1.Carrots are bright orange in colour indicating that it is a rich source of "beta-carotene" which gets converted to Vit A in the body.
2.Vitamin K/C/E/B.
3.Rich in minerals like Iron, Zinc, Copper, Potassium, Calcium, Sodium, Fluride and Manganese.
4. Good source of protein, dietary fiber and carbohydrate but low in saturated fats.

Medicinal uses:
*Very beneficial for the eyes - treatment for night blindness.
*Cleanses the intestines and purifies the blood.
*Acts as diuretic, anti diaorrheal and anti anaemic.
*Acts as antiseptic and also provides relief from stress and fatigue if ingested on a regular basis.
*Carminative [relieves flatulence] and relieves constipation. Believed to improve impotence.
*Improves memory power
*Raw grated carrots is used to sooth burn wounds.
*Promotes breast milk secretion in lactating mothers.
*Regular consumption of raw and cooked carrots results in bright sparkly eyes and glowing skin.

For more info please go here , here , here

Now coming to the rules for the events:

1.The dish can be anything - cakes/ breakfast bars/ muffins/ halwa / kheer / rice dish / stir fry / deep fry / chutneys / dips / kurma or just fresh juice with carrot as the main ingredient.

2.The dish can be any course of the meal - appetizer, main course, side dish, dessert, breakfast, lunch, dinner , snack or beverage.

3.The recipe has to strict vegetarian [eggs are allowed in baking].

4.The recipes have to be new and no archive entries are allowed.

5.Post the recipe in your blog from 1st July to 31 July 2011. Multiple entries are welcome

6.Link the recipe post to this announcement page and Priya's announcement page .

7.Please kindly include the logo as it is manadatory and it helps spread the word

Please send in your entries to with "Veggie/Fruit of the Month - Carrot" in the subject line with the following details:

Blog name:
Recipe name and Url:
Picture of the dish : 300pixel

Non bloggers, feel free to send in your recipe details along with the picture to the above email and I will post your recipe in your blog.

Friends, do send in your entries and make this event a grand success.


Scribbled by Reva


  1. i am known as a bunny in my house for my love of carrots. am definitely in.

  2. A very informative post Reva...Never new that yellow, purple and white varieties existed....Will definitely send my entries..happy hosting

  3. wonderful event !! love to send my entries !!

    Ongoing Event - CC-Roti Pachadi/Chutney

  4. Wow.. two events at Kaarasaaram this month... Happy hosting... I can never live without carrots in my fridge, next to onions and tomatoes.. would definitely send something.. :)
    Event: Serve It - Grilled/Barbequed/Tandoored

  5. Thank you so much Reva for hosting. Good luck and happy hosting :)

  6. wow carrots one of my fav
    hav few recipes in my draft just for the event,

    happy hosting

    event: herbs n flowers banana blossom

  7. Mmm... looks like someone busy hosting wonderful events! :) Carrot is one of my favorite veggie. Will see if I have something to participate. Thanks!

  8. HAppy Hosting will send in my entries soon.

    Have updated my events page dear.

  9. Haapy Hosting Dear!!
    Incidentally I made edible chocolate cups with carrot fillings few days back. Will send it to the event :))

  10. nice event dear...will send a recipe asap....


For your precious words....