
31 Dec 2010

A New Year for the Better......

Everybody is wishing everyone " A Very Happy New Year", even me....but when I look back I wonder what did I do?? Of course starting my blog was a good thing but when I look at this photo reality smiles at me.....

I shot this photograph in Kolkata on June 3rd, 2010 in the premises of the kali temple on the banks of the great river Ganges at around 8 in the morning. The old woman was so engrossed in her work that she did not even look up when I took the photograph or when people walked past her.

As I was switching my camera off, a man walking past this lady threw some coins towards her. She was very quick to pick the coins up, called the man and gave it to him. She said something in bengali which I didn't understand but she was waving her hand as if saying that she was not a begger. I was just blown away by the lady's action- her sense of pride and dignity and she did not cringe that she was sweeping the street. She held her head high....

I feel so sad whenever I look at this pic...Even after 63 years after independence why is this state of helplessness???

India is always viewed as "Incredible India" with ice capped mountains, Tajmahal, lush forests, golden sand desserts, oldest temples, longest sand beach coastline, cuisines, culture, tradition, technically developing country and so much more. It is a "Subcontinent"in itself.....

The other side of the coin is what is like in this photograph..... public places strewn with garbage and walls painted with betel nut stains, tourist places and temples swarmed by beggers [both old people and young children], bribery networking all systems of the government, people walking past things without even being aware that something must be done or can be done to change it, begging the world bank for help every year when the budget is drawn. It is this side of India that is always pushed under the carpet....

I am not saying that this is happening only in India. It happens all around the world but this is my country and that is why I am feeling guilty, angry, helpless.....

I am not saying that I am going to donate lakhs of rupees or going to start a NGO but start by doing whatever I can within my reach. Small changes lead to bigger ones. We all are part of this society.

So let us start by doing something, anything, big or small or just being aware of the problems existing and growing in our society....

Scribbled by Reva.


  1. happy new year to you and family

  2. Reva dear,I can literally feel the pain in ur heart.....same thing always arise ,when I see a country like US........Here we live in all luxuries,but in India its not that all r living the same life......But still we are hopeless,though we have all capablities....hmm ..hope to see Dr.Kalam's dream world.......

  3. Happy new year to u & ur family!!! In times of celebration we do tend to forget that more than half the population is living amidst poverty...We all can do something in a small way to make small changes..Everyone does their bit & this could make a whole lot of a difference..As basic as sponsoring a child`s education can make him/her earn a decent living & support the family..Thank u Reva for posting this article..Im making this my new year resolution..Will pass on the message..

  4. I cant agree more with you...The incredible India tag is not earned by our govt but we have earned this just because we are blessed with such natural beauty and our culture...but if we look at the current state, its shocking. some has so much that they dont choose where to spend their vacations and some are so poor cant even have two proper meals a day. this inequality is painful.
    yet still here is wishing you a Happy new year Reva.

  5. thanks for sharing,good thoughts,happy and prosperous new year to everyone.

  6. happy new year and really your blog with positives and negatives

  7. WIshing u a happy and prosperous new year..beautiful click:..

  8. lovely post...agree with Sayantani...! happy new year...hey why don't u add me on FB..Jagruti Dhanecha..!

  9. Thanks you guys and I wish everyone a very happy new year...


For your precious words....