
26 Nov 2010

Pink Laddus

Pink Laddus
               Laddus, laddus and more laddus. There are so many varieties in market today that my head goes for a spin when I enter a sweet shop to buy some. I been wanting to make laddus at home for a long time but didn't have the guts to go for it.... so poor are my sweet making skills.
              I decided to give it a go .... and got all the necessary ingredients. When I actually started to make the boondhis I decided to add colour to the batter. I knew there was some food colour somewhere in the cupboard. After 20 mins of searching I found it but to my disappointment there was only a tiny bit in there.
             Pushing that sinking feeling aside, I added the colour to half the batter which gave the boondhis a pale pink colour.
            The other half was of a yellow besan flour colour. When I finally finished, they did look good actually and I accepted the compliments about my innovative colour sense from my friends and family with a smile. 

For making boondhis:
Besan flour: 4 cups.
Oil: 1/2 litre.
Food colour [optional]:1 tsp.
Water: as required to mix the flour.

Sugar syrup:
Sugar: 4 cups.
Water:2 cups.

Additional: Ghee: 4-5 tbsp
Accessories: Cashewnuts, Raisins and Sugar candy bits -The quantity is your choice.

1.Start by keeping a heavy bottomed deep kadai on medium flame with the sugar and water to make the syrup.

2.Fry the cashew and raisins in 2 tbsp of ghee and keep aside.

3.When the syrup comes to the right consistency, put off the flame.

4.To make the boondhis, mix the flour with water and food colour [if using] to make a thick batter.

5.Make the boondhis, soak them in syrup for 10 mins. Remove and keep aside.

6.When the whole batter is done, add the cashews, raisins, sugar candy and the remaining ghee to the syrup soaked boondhis and mix well.

7.Make them into uniform laddus and enjoy.
pink laddus

Few Points:
  • When you pour the batter on the boondhi sieve, it should fall into the oil as perfect rounds or balls. If it is too watery add a little flour or too thick add a little water.
  • The oil should be hot at the right temperature. When the boondhis fall into the oil they should rise up immediately. If they settle down, it means that the oil is a little cold.
  • Please do not make the boondhis crisp.
  • After about 10-12 mins, to check wether the syrup is of the right consistency, touch some with your index finger and press on your thumb. There should be a thread of  syrup forming between your two fingers. There should be only one thread and it should not break. This is the right consistency and known as "Kambi Patham" meaning "Wire or Twin" consistency.
  • Extra things at reach: paper towels, an additional vessel to hold all the boondhis, a sieve skillet and a large plate to arrange all the laddus.
    Scribbled by Reva.

    1 comment:

    1. I love laddu! But haven't got the courage to make them at home. yours looks super perfect!


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